Easter tweets for a hoppy, healthy Easter

Easter tweets for a hoppy, healthy Easter

Chocolate eggs, cute little bunnies, family time and egg hunts are things we consider to be the equation for our perfect Easter. How about you?

clean easter treats

Or, are you worried that Easter is just a time for chocolate, refined sugar and breaking your routine?

Not to worry, we have some suggestions for a healthier Easter this year;

  1. Try not to buy Easter eggs until you really, really have to. And even then, try not to crack open the packet until in company so that you can share and have simply one or two eggs.
  2. Enjoy smaller chocolate eggs (but resist the urge to use this as an excuse to eat more).
  3. Live your days with balance. It is ok to have a treat, or two, but perhaps think about what else you are eating during the day and keep your food clean and lean.
  4. Enjoy beautiful handmade quality chocolates - opting for quality rather than quantity.
  5. Keep moving. Keep exercising and moving throughout your Easter holiday

easter egg treats refined sugar free

At cleantreats.co we've got a little creative and used our Chocolate Hazelnut Mix to make refined sugar free clean treat Easter eggs - shop Chocolate Hazelnut now to achieve this look for Easter.

Enjoy Easter time, live with balance, move your body and relax. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

